Resource Type: postgresql_psql

Defined in:


An arbitrary tag for your own reference; the name of the message.


  • command

    The SQL command to execute via psql.


  • connect_settings

    Connection settings that will be used when connecting to postgres

  • cwd (defaults to: /tmp)

    The working directory under which the psql command should be executed.

  • db

    The name of the database to execute the SQL command against, this overrides any PGDATABASE value in connect_settings

  • environment

    Any additional environment variables you want to set for a SQL command. Multiple environment variables should be specified as an array.

  • name (namevar)

    An arbitrary tag for your own reference; the name of the message.

  • onlyif
  • port

    The port of the database server to execute the SQL command against, this overrides any PGPORT value in connect_settings.

  • provider

    The specific backend to use for this ‘postgresql_psql` resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.

  • psql_group (defaults to: postgres)

    The system user group account under which the psql command should be executed.

  • psql_path (defaults to: psql)

    The path to psql executable.

  • psql_user (defaults to: postgres)

    The system user account under which the psql command should be executed.

  • refreshonly (defaults to: false)

    If ‘true’, then the SQL will only be executed via a notify/subscribe event.

    Supported values:
    • true
    • false
  • search_path

    The schema search path to use when executing the SQL command

  • unless