Defined Type: selinux::module
- Defined in:
- manifests/module.pp
Manage a SELinux module on a running systemOverview
This class will either install or uninstall a SELinux module from a running system. This module allows an admin to keep .te files in text form in a repository, while allowing the system to compile and manage SELinux modules.
Concepts incorporated from:
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# File 'manifests/module.pp', line 55
define selinux::module (
Optional[String] $source_pp = undef,
Optional[String] $source_te = undef,
Optional[String] $source_fc = undef,
Optional[String] $source_if = undef,
Optional[String] $content_te = undef,
Optional[String] $content_fc = undef,
Optional[String] $content_if = undef,
Enum['absent', 'present'] $ensure = 'present',
Optional[Enum['simple', 'refpolicy']] $builder = undef,
) {
include selinux
require selinux::build
$_builder = pick($builder, $selinux::default_builder, 'none')
if $_builder == 'refpolicy' {
require selinux::refpolicy_package
if ($builder == 'simple' and ($source_if != undef or $content_if != undef)) {
fail("The simple builder does not support the 'source_if' parameter")
$module_dir = $selinux::build::module_build_dir
$module_file = "${module_dir}/${title}"
$build_command = $_builder ? {
'simple' => shellquote($selinux::build::module_build_simple, $title, $module_dir),
'refpolicy' => shellquote('make', '-f', $selinux::refpolicy_makefile, "${title}.pp"),
'none' => undef
Anchor['selinux::module pre']
-> Selinux::Module[$title]
-> Anchor['selinux::module post']
$has_source = (pick($source_te, $source_fc, $source_if, $content_te, $content_fc, $content_if, false) != false)
if $has_source and $build_command == undef {
fail('No builder or default builder specified')
if $has_source and $source_pp != undef {
fail('Specifying source files and a pre-compiled policy package are mutually exclusive options')
if $has_source and $ensure == 'present' {
file { "${module_file}.te":
ensure => 'file',
source => $source_te,
content => $content_te,
notify => Exec["clean-module-${title}"],
$content_fc_real = $content_fc ? { undef => $source_fc ? { undef => '', default => undef }, default => $content_fc }
file { "${module_file}.fc":
ensure => 'file',
source => $source_fc,
content => $content_fc_real,
notify => Exec["clean-module-${title}"],
$content_if_real = $content_if ? { undef => $source_if ? { undef => '', default => undef }, default => $content_if }
file { "${module_file}.if":
ensure => 'file',
source => $source_if,
content => $content_if_real,
notify => Exec["clean-module-${title}"],
# ensure it doesn't get purged if it exists
file { "${module_file}.pp": selinux_ignore_defaults => true }
exec { "clean-module-${title}":
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
cwd => $module_dir,
command => "rm -f '${module_file}.pp' '${module_file}.loaded'",
refreshonly => true,
notify => Exec["build-module-${title}"],
exec { "build-module-${title}":
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
cwd => $module_dir,
command => "${build_command} || (rm -f ${module_file}.pp ${module_file}.loaded && exit 1)",
creates => "${module_file}.pp",
notify => Exec["install-module-${title}"],
$install = true
} elsif $source_pp != undef and $ensure == 'present' {
file { "${module_file}.pp":
ensure => 'file',
source => $source_pp,
notify => Exec["clean-module-${title}"],
exec { "clean-module-${title}":
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
cwd => $module_dir,
command => "rm -f '${module_file}.loaded'",
refreshonly => true,
notify => Exec["install-module-${title}"],
$install = true
} else {
# no source and no .pp, just do plain selmodule {$title:}
$install = false
if $install {
# we need to install the module manually because selmodule is kind of dumb. It ends up
# working fine, though.
exec { "install-module-${title}":
path => '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin',
cwd => $module_dir,
command => "semodule -i ${module_file}.pp && touch ${module_file}.loaded",
creates => "${module_file}.loaded",
before => Selmodule[$title],
# ensure it doesn't get purged if it exists
file { "${module_file}.loaded": }
$module_path = ($has_source or $source_pp != undef) ? {
true => "${module_file}.pp",
false => undef
selmodule { $title:
ensure => $ensure,
selmodulepath => $module_path,