Defined Type: virtualbox::extpack
- Defined in:
- manifests/extpack.pp
Class: virtualbox::extpack
This class (un)installs Oracle’s VirtualBox extension pack.
- source
Download extension pack from the given URL. Required string.
- ensure
Set to ‘present’ to install extension pack. Set to ‘absent’ to uninstall. Defaults to ‘present’
- verify_checksum
Whether to verify the checksum of the downloaded file. Optional boolean. Defaults to true.
- checksum_string
If $verify_checksum is true, this is the checksum to use to validate the downloaded file against.
- checksum_type
If $verify_checksum is true, this is the algorithm to use to validate the checksum. Can be md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, or sha512. Defaults to ‘md5’
- follow_redirects
If we should follow HTTP redirects. Ignored when using ‘puppet/archive`. Defaults to false.
- extpack_path
This is the path where VirtualBox looks for extension packs. Defaults to ‘/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks’
- archive_provider
This parameter is used to tell the module which ‘archive` module to expect. This can be set to the Puppet Forge username of the developer of the `archive` module you wish to use. If a falsey value is passed, this module will try and determine the module author by using the `load_module_metadata` function from Stdlib. This is the default behavior. Defaults to `undef`.
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# File 'manifests/extpack.pp', line 35
define virtualbox::extpack (
String $source,
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present',
Boolean $verify_checksum = true,
Optional[String] $checksum_string = undef,
Enum['md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'] $checksum_type = 'md5',
Boolean $follow_redirects = false,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $extpack_path = '/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks',
Optional[Enum['puppet','puppet-community','voxpupuli','camptocamp']] $archive_provider = undef,
) {
if $verify_checksum {
$_checksum_type = $checksum_type
$_checksum_string = $checksum_string
} else {
$_checksum_type = undef
$_checksum_string = undef
$dest = "${extpack_path}/${name}"
if $archive_provider {
$valid_archive_provider = $archive_provider
} else {
$metadata = load_module_metadata('archive')
$valid_archive_provider = $metadata['source'] ? {
/github\.com\/camptocamp/ => 'camptocamp',
/github\.com\/(puppet-community|voxpupuli)/ => 'voxpupuli',
case $valid_archive_provider {
'camptocamp': {
warning 'Support for module camptocamp/archive is deprecated. Futur version of this module will only support puppet/archive.'
archive::download { "${name}.tgz":
ensure => $ensure,
url => $source,
checksum => $verify_checksum,
digest_type => $_checksum_type,
digest_string => $_checksum_string,
follow_redirects => $follow_redirects,
require => Class['virtualbox'],
if $ensure =~ /^present$/ {
Archive::Download["${name}.tgz"] -> Exec["${name} unpack"]
/^(voxpupuli|puppet-community|puppet)$/: {
unless $follow_redirects {
warning("The puppet/archive module does not support the \$follow_redirects parameter.")
archive { "/usr/src/${name}.tgz":
ensure => $ensure,
source => $source,
checksum => $_checksum_string,
checksum_type => $_checksum_type,
checksum_verify => $verify_checksum,
extract => false,
require => Class['virtualbox'],
if $ensure =~ /^present$/ {
Archive["/usr/src/${name}.tgz"] -> Exec["${name} unpack"]
default: { fail('Unknown Archive module. Please install puppet/archive or camptocamp/archive.') }
case $ensure {
'present': {
exec { "${name} unpack":
command => "mkdir -p ${dest} && tar --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xzf /usr/src/${name}.tgz -C ${dest}",
creates => $dest,
timeout => 120,
path => $::path,
'absent': {
file { $dest:
ensure => absent,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
default: { fail('Unknown value for $ensure.') }