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This module manages HDM installation.

HDM can be installed on Puppet Server or on any other system with PuppetDB access and Puppet code deployed.

This module allows you to either make use of the HDM Docker container or to install HDM using RVM.

Major Update

As of version 1.0.0 and newer the HDM Docker container runs in production mode. Existing installations using HDM container prior version 1.0.0 must prepare this change by copying the development.sqlite3 file to production.sqlite3

cp /etc/hdm/development.sqlite3 /etc/hdm/production.sqlite3

Now Puppet can configure the system. Once HDM is up and running the database can be changed from development to production:

docker exec -ti hdm /hdm/bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=production

After the update and checking functionality the development.sqlite3 file can be deleted.


Setup Requirements

The puppet-hdm module needs puppetlabs/stdlib as we use some of the stdlib data types.

If you want to make use of the docker container, you need the following module:

  • puppetlabs/docker - min version 4.4.0

If you want to install HDM using RVM, you need the following modules:

  • puppet/rvm - min version 2.0.0
  • golja/gnupg - min version 1.2.3
  • puppetlabs/vcsrepo - min version 5.2.0
  • puppet/systemd - min version 3.10.0

Beginning with hdm

The most simple approach is to just include the hdm class:

include hdm

This will install HDM as docker container.


Please check the REFERENCE.md file.


On SLES we can not use the puppetlabs/docker module. Instead set the manage_docker parameter to false and take care on docker package and service by yourself.