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Manage bird routing daemon via Puppet


The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon

The BIRD project aims to develop a fully functional dynamic IP routing daemon primarily targeted on (but not limited to) Linux, FreeBSD and other UNIX-like systems and distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Support: IPv4, IPv6, Multiple routing tables, BGP, RIP, OSPF, Static routes, IPv6 RA, Inter-table protocol


A basic example fortwo config files, one for the ipv4 instance and one for the ipv6 instance of bird 1:

class { 'bird':
  enable_v6       => true,
  config_file_v4  => 'puppet:///modules/bgp/ldn/bird.conf',
  config_file_v6  => 'puppet:///modules/bgp/ldn/bird6.conf',

You can also use the bird::snippet defined resource to manage parts of the configuration. For example:

bird::snippet {'AS1234':
  content => $content,

This will run the bird validation and reload it.


All parameters are documented in the REFERENCE.md


  • puppetlabs/stdlib


Release Notes



Contribution is fairly easy:

  • Fork the module into your namespace
  • Create a new branch
  • Commit your bugfix or enhancement
  • Write a test for it (maybe start with the test first)
  • Create a pull request

Detailed instructions are in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

License and Author

This module got migrated from sbadia to Vox Pupuli. It's licensed with GPL version 3.